People borrow money for all sorts of reasons - buying a car or a house, paying for a wedding or a holiday. Even opting for a financing arrangement or using your credit card to pay for things leads you to the same place - you end up with a debt to pay back. Whether you...

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What You Need to Know About the End of COVID Insolvency Protections
The final remaining restrictions on insolvency action introduced to protect struggling companies during the COVID-19 pandemic have been lifted. Insolvency rules have now returned to what they were pre-pandemic. This means creditors once again have a full range of...
Three Ways to Reduce Your Household Spend as Cost of Living Hikes Bite
Rising costs of food, fuel and energy are punching a big hole in household budgets. Inflation hit a 30-year high in March and could rise as high as 9% by the end of the year. Close to nine out of adults in the UK are now reporting an increase in their cost of living,...
Three Cost Increases to Budget for in the New Financial Year
The start of the new financial year on April 6 invariably brings about changes in tax rules and other statutory financial measures that affect both businesses and individuals. Sometimes the changes are good news and mean more money in your account. Other changes lead...
Do’s and Don’ts of Keeping Your Personal Debt Manageable
Being in debt can be a scary place. Especially when you start to feel things slide out of control. It might start with one missed payment, or one month where you are anxiously waiting for payday after clearing out your account. Things can quickly spiral out of...
Top Five Things Your Accountant Should Be Doing to Boost Your Business
An experienced professional accountant should be able to make a positive difference to your business by driving financial efficiencies, improving your cash flow, and increasing your margins.
What is the Breathing Space Scheme and How Can It Help With Your Debts?
All eyes are on the government and what action they can take to ease the pressure on households. One is the Debt Respite Scheme, also known as the Breathing Space scheme.
What Help is Available If I’m Struggling With Energy Bills?
Households across the UK are bracing themselves for a major squeeze on their budgets when the much-publicised energy price cap increase comes into effect on April 1st.
Four Steps to Restructuring Corporate Debt
For companies that find themselves in financial difficulties, the inability to service debts is often seen as the final staging post on the road to insolvency. But not being able to meet payback obligations does not make insolvency inevitable.
Are You Personally Liable For A Bounce Back Loan?
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, with thousands of small businesses under huge financial strain or unable to trade at all, the UK government offered a lifeline in the form of Bounce Back Loans.