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How to know if your business is insolvent

There are three key tests which will help you understand if your company is insolvent. These are the questions we ask businesses who come to us for help and advice regarding debt and cash flow. As we advise our clients - it's important to be brutally honest when...

Hybrid offices: the new normal?

The pandemic changed the world of work - and change is here to stay. The UK government and devolved administrations responded to the COVID-19 crisis in 2020 by imposing lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and travel bans and restrictions. No business has been unaffected....

Avoid potholes on the road to recovery

Business owners and individuals alike are keen to see the end of lockdowns, and it’s easy to see why. As restrictions are lifted and businesses open their doors, more people go back to work on full pay. With more money in their pockets, consumer confidence should rise...

Avoid potholes on the road to recovery

The UK news has been filled with talk of government ‘roadmaps’ - conditional timelines mapping the route out of lockdown restrictions and into the so-called “new normal”.  Business owners and individuals alike are keen to see the end of lockdowns, and it’s easy to see...

Debt jargonbuster

Our jargon buster is a handy reference guide to all of the technical terms of the insolvency industry. Insolvent When a company can't pay its debts when they become due, or it has more liabilities than assets on its balance sheet. Personal Guarantee A director will be...

NI Redundancies at 10 Year High in 2020

NI Redundancies at 10 Year High in 2020 We speak to JT Maxwell Director, James Maxwell about the recent NI Redundancies statistics and how he views this will affect personal debt for households across Northern Ireland. 10,500 collective redundancies were proposed in...

The Finance Act 2020

The Finance Act 2020 came into force on 1st December 2020. The Finance Act 2020 contains a number of changes relating to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that will impact Directors in different ways. We thought it would be helpful for us to highlight these changes and...

Rates arrears: act now and prevent your home being at risk

September 2020 sees Northern Ireland’s courts open up again after lockdown, and of the 600+ cases listed to be heard in the Belfast High Court this month, 30 of those are petitions for bankruptcy by Land and Property Services (LPS), who are responsible for...

What insolvency law changes mean for your business

Last week, the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act received its final stamp of approval by the Government and became law. The new legislation makes some permanent and some temporary changes to existing insolvency laws in the UK, with the aim of protecting and...

Your business’s lockdown exit strategy

Get ready to do business after lockdown. The COVID-19 crisis forced many businesses to close, pivot or dramatically reduce capacity, so until very recently, most of the conversation has revolved around short-term concerns. Government support has allowed many anxious...