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Secured vs Unsecured Debt: What You Need to Know
Secured vs Unsecured Debt: What You Need to Know

People borrow money for all sorts of reasons - buying a car or a house, paying for a wedding or a holiday. Even opting for a financing arrangement or using your credit card to pay for things leads you to the same place - you end up with a debt to pay back. Whether you...

Three Cost Increases to Budget for in the New Financial Year
Three Cost Increases to Budget for in the New Financial Year

The start of the new financial year on April 6 invariably brings about changes in tax rules and other statutory financial measures that affect both businesses and individuals. Sometimes the changes are good news and mean more money in your account. Other changes lead...

Do’s and Don’ts of Keeping Your Personal Debt Manageable
Do’s and Don’ts of Keeping Your Personal Debt Manageable

Being in debt can be a scary place. Especially when you start to feel things slide out of control. It might start with one missed payment, or one month where you are anxiously waiting for payday after clearing out your account. Things can quickly spiral out of...

Four Steps to Restructuring Corporate Debt
Four Steps to Restructuring Corporate Debt

For companies that find themselves in financial difficulties, the inability to service debts is often seen as the final staging post on the road to insolvency. But not being able to meet payback obligations does not make insolvency inevitable.