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Your business’s lockdown exit strategy

Get ready to do business after lockdown.

The COVID-19 crisis forced many businesses to close, pivot or dramatically reduce capacity, so until very recently, most of the conversation has revolved around short-term concerns.

Government support has allowed many anxious company owners to breathe a sigh of relief – staff incomes have been protected by furlough schemes, and grants and loans have allowed the majority of organisations to keep their bills paid.

However we shouldn’t become complacent about our businesses simply because the wolves are away from the door. Take a well deserved rest by all means, but it would be a mistake to sit back for too long and think of your business as being “on pause”.

With announcements across the UK regions of various easings of the restrictions, we think now is the prime time to map out your post-lockdown operations.

Time to look ahead

As specialists in business recovery, we believe that now is the time for businesses – small businesses especially – to start gearing up for a post-COVID 19 world.

The end of complete lockdown will be great news when it comes – but it still won’t be ‘business as usual’. The buzz-phrase of the moment is “the new normal” – but what might that new normal look like for your business?

Firstly, it’s likely that some form of social distancing will need to stay in place for a significant period of time, even once all businesses are allowed to open their doors again. This will affect different businesses in different ways depending on:

The uncertainty is overwhelming for many of us, but there is a lot you can do to prepare for at least some of the various possibilities.

Reboot your company

When a business comes to us in distress, one of the best tools we have is our Independent Business Review. Using our many years of experience, we:

Many businesses who thought they were on the way out have instead been able to reboot their business – even in the face of massive financial challenges.

So, rather than looking at this crisis as a disaster, we invite you to put a positive spin on things – imagine that you had a blank piece of paper and were asked to draw what your company would look like if you could start again!

We believe that now would be a fantastic opportunity to make some wholesale changes to your business – here is a general checklist to give you ideas on evaluating your organisation for the post-lockdown world.
If you’d like us to create something tailored to your specific business or industry, just get in touch on the number at the end of the article.


Just as you would do with a staff member back from a sabbatical or maternity leave, furloughed staff members or staff that have worked from home for a prolonged period are going to require a plan for reintroduction to the workplace.

This could be an ideal opportunity to up-skill or re-train some of your workforce. This could be handy if you decide to change what you offer and how you deliver it.

A full workplace risk assessment will be needed and this is something we’ll cover in a future article, but for now, this checklist is a good place to start making plans.

Here and now:
Thinking ahead:


There are three key areas to consider: products and services, customers, and your supply chain.

Both your supply chain and your customers could change their outlook following this period of uncertainty. You may have to make changes to your products and services in order to trade in this changed world.

However, with the majority of your competitors in the same boat and starting at the same position as you, rethink how you could shape your company to come out of the traps quicker than most.

Here and now:

Products and services

Customers and Suppliers

Thinking ahead:

Products and services

Customers and Suppliers

Cash flow

Take the opportunity to create or review both a short term and long term cash flow forecast.

Here and now:
Thinking ahead:

Know your marketplace

There are many templates that you can follow to complete this analysis such as SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and SOAR (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, results) etc which can be downloaded free.

These will enable you to methodically think about your company, your competitors and most importantly your customers.


We hope that this has given you plenty of food for thought in preparing yourself, your business and your staff for a post-COVID 19 world.

The situation changes daily, but we hope this has reassured you that there are still practical things you can do today to not only be ready, but to reboot your business and come out of this strange time even stronger.
If you want to talk through any of your ideas or get some support in going through this checklist, give us a call on 0800 0465 029 or email

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