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CPD insolvency seminar

Continuing professional development (CPD) is vital for all professional service providers.

And believe us – we know how difficult it can be to keep those hours up to date when you are focused on delivering the best possible service to your client and all the day-to-day of running a busy, successful practice.

Anyone who knows us knows how passionate we are about our industry – the number one priority in all insolvency cases should be securing the best possible outcome. For us, that means it’s important to share our knowledge and expertise with as many people as possible – and yes, that often means doing it for free!

Whether it’s a quick chat on the phone to advise someone in difficulty, an email conversation with an accountant or solicitor who’s not sure how to help their client, or indeed by writing articles on this blog and our monthly newsletter, The Charter – the more people out there with good, solid knowledge of insolvency, the better.

It makes our jobs easier to do, increases the likelihood of positive outcomes in insolvency processes, and just generally makes the world a better place. That’s a good day at the office if you ask us.

If you pour your heart, soul and the best hours of your day into your professional services business, then you probably agree. That’s why we are offering you the chance to not only boost your CPD hours, but to come away with a clear idea of how best to support and signpost your clients if they are considering bankruptcy, dealing with HMRC, or are considering closing the doors on their business.

Some of the topics we’re considering for this free CPD Insolvency Seminar are:

Directors’ Redundancy

It doesn’t appear to be widely known that Company Directors are entitled to a redundancy claim, just as employees are, upon liquidation of a company. We believe there are a number of companies lying dormant for this very reason; the Director doesn’t realise there’s money available to them to close the company properly. Do you have clients that this info would help?

Time to Pay arrangements with HMRC

A director acting alone often doesn’t have the tools at their disposal to negotiate effectively with HMRC and can often face untenable payment terms. Accountants can act as agents, so we believe our CPD seminar is the ideal opportunity is upskill and to signpost clients facing TTP.

Striking Off

Would you love to know how to boost the chances of a strike-off going ahead without objection? We have many years of experience in negotiating with and persuading creditors – this seminar will give you the tools you need to secure better outcomes for your clients.

Members’ Voluntary Liquidation / Entrepreneurs’ Relief

We’ll be looking at capital gains distributions in MVLs and doing a bit of myth busting around the topic of tax avoidance.


Over to you now – what do you think of the topics above and are there any other areas of insolvency you would like us to add to the programme?

Fill out the short form below to be notified of dates for the CPD insolvency seminar, and please let us know if there are any other areas we should cover. You can also get in touch with us directly here.

The seminar will be based entirely on our own personal and professional opinions and experience of the insolvency industry and should not be considered tax advice.

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